Thursday, February 23, 2012

" My Little Mermaid Helper"

 Britney & I had so much  fun getting in the Spring mood. We found the cutest bunny hat we placed on a manniqiun and the creativity just started snowballing out of us. I  still have to take the after pics of the furniture. We were inspired by a piece of driftwood we found on the beach. It's hard to see the color Britney is painting with but it is the lightest mutted grey. So Yummy..... 
Britney helped me to do some gardening to dress up the guest area door.
This is the side door to the guest area. the house is beige with hunter green trim. If landlord permits I would like to repaint this door and the houses front door just above a different color....What color do you think?
 While the Gypsies away the Mermaids will play.... Such was the 4 days My Husband and Son ( Dreamerz Studios) left to sell at the  San Francisco International Gift Show..... Brittney  our sons fiance and I brainstormed together to create some new Spring looks for you.She reminds me of me when I was young. So much energy. We got a lot accomplished and had a ball doing it....So here are  some pics for you to view. . 
" Sweet Britney" Our little Mermaid

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