Wednesday, October 24, 2012

" More 3 Speckled Hens Pics"

OK, I promised you more pictures from the 3 Speckled Hens Show. What a fun Event...Here are a few of the other Venders that were in this fabulous show....the picture above is of " Posies" booth...
This booth was done by "Vintage Bliss"I think she hails from up near Fresno. She has been doing this sale for many years, and always amazes me with her original creations...Love the gloves chandelier...
The out door booths were full of wonderful garden ideas....
and the creativity was amazing...I think this vender was from Texas..
" Affairs of the Heart" booth
These flannel shirts were a big hit on early Sat. As it was a chilly morning and ladies were buying them as jackets....and  then there was the "Remnants of the Past " show a week later. My friend Lesley and I spent a day and a half there. I bought a huge cupboard.From " "The Green Vase" booth. And, you will have to come to" Posies" to see the huge fabulous window Laurie purchased. OMGosh you will LOVE IT!!!! I have totally redone my booth at the shop with my new purchases from both shows.. So come have a look. Hugs Chrisy & Kramer....

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