Sunday, May 4, 2014

" New shippment at Chrisy's Cottage"

Summer is just around the corner and we have a large shipment of headbands, hats, and scarves that have come in for your shopping pleasure....
Loving the new summer jewelry coming in this week....
" Sweet" socks with ruffles....
and of course Summer Whites my favorite
Hope your planning your summer days and come take a peek at " Chrisy's Cottage if you get over my way.....and don't forget today is the last day of the "Three Speckled Hens Show" at the Paso Robles fairgrounds....I had a blast with my sister Gena...always a fun time.Hugs Chrisy


  1. Oh my!
    So glad you are okay.

  2. Thanks Margie, I am doing a little better every day. I'm one of the lucky ones....Really makes you appreciate what you have...Life is so precious So happy I am still able to do what I love. I feel like I have been reborn and my spirit given wings..... Hugs Chrisy
